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Action is Louder than Words
UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon is going to Burma to talk to the military junta to consider getting sufficient help from international aid for their own Burmese people, the victims of the cyclone Nargis. Conspiracy is that UN officials have been accepting bribes from the military junta and they have been just playing the game of "trying our best for the people". Nothing has ever happened because of their meetings. For example, Aung San Su Kyi is still in house arrest for no reason. This power abuse has been a long, long, time --- more than decade. Other than the awards after awards from different parts of the world, she is recognized as a mistreated leader of the country by the world, and --- all those ten to twenty years, what was UN doing? What did they really do to give help? It is not like U.S going into Iraq, bringing down the existing rulers and trying finding a democratic leader for that country. This is much simpler. There are people who have obviously voted for Aung San Su Kyi. There is a leader and there are people who want her to lead them. And every government in UN knows the story --- for almost 20 years, --- 20 painfully long years. What did they do? They kept quiet --- it is sickening --- the humanity of the world --- rather than helping the one being tortured, they are giving awards for the ability to take the torture. During Saffron Revolution, Mr. Gambari has been in and out of the country talking to the military junta while a lot of monks have been killed, put into jail and tortured inhumanely. UN action? Yes, they kept talking, of course, with lots of smile and shaking hands. What had happened? Nothing really happened other than there still are a lot of monks and studenst full of prison, so military junta has been taking time killing them slowly while UN kept talking. Now, it is time to talk again??? It is surprising just too much to talk about like "Oh, by the way, how many people are dying a minute?" " About 100 to 200?" " Well then, let's just keep talking, oops, am I running out of time?" "Okay, I'll be back again to continue this meeting in a week." In no time, United Nations will be gradually known as "Unable Nations", the nations that fail to help the helpless ones, the ones in need, in need of just basic human right and a decent life. the image is from
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