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Never Been a Fan of Ever Corrupted UN
It is a shame how Ban Ki-Moon left Burma with the tittle of Cheerleader of the fundraising for the Burmese Military Tyrants. I personally thought probably Ban Ki-Moon does not even know how to Google on the Internet. He had to fly all the way from New York to Burma and flew over the delta region and --- all he could emphasize was the new born "healthy" baby of the one of the victims of the cyclone Nargis in a tent with a future. I don't know what kind of future he is talking about and wonder where is his concern for the rest of the 2 million people without proper food and shelter. If he knows how to do his math, he would think of what is happening to the rest of the 2 million survivors in need. Even though almost every one in the world has found out about the unspeakable shameful blockage of international aids into the country by the Military junta, I wonder why Ban Ki-Moon travel around only the places that junta show him?? Does he genuinely believe that he has seen the reality of the victims? Or does he believe that everyone around the world would support his word and decision based on tiny part of the disaster scene shown by the junta? He must be undermining and insulting the intelligence of the average people around the world. I even wanted to sing the song which goes like "It's ashame, --- it's a shame, -- Oh! so lame, ---".
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