Friday, May 30, 2008

Responsibility to Protect

UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon has shown that he does not have a belief in responsibility to protect the people of Burma. Years of his international experience in diplomacy can easily be fooled by the empty promise and broken respectability of the Burmese military junta. Is he fooled or is he a fool? It is a shame now that his respectability is being questioned by millions of people around the world. Or has he been respected? It is more reasonable to believe the news that Ban Ki-moon went to Naypyidaw to recommend the military junta which Korean dramas are more likely to entertain the Burmese military since they have been too bored, nothing much to do with helping the storm victims while local volunteer groups, artists, monks, and students have been helping the needs of the victims of the cyclone Nargis. Probably, Ban Ki-moon mistakenly believed that he has responsibility to protect the infamous Burmese military junta, but not the survivors of the millions of cyclone Nargis victims living very painfully and tragically. Now that, people of Burma has believed that UN has turned their back and giving them just a cold shoulder. Nothing more, nothing less.

the image is from

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Money and Living

Some people live their lives with money, while for some people money lives their lives. People need money, currency, as a form of trading object, which gradually become a form of status. Most of the people (I hope) live their lives with money; some understand how to manage and use their earning while some fails to manage the income and outgoing so that those people kept wasting money. However, there is a group of people, who have the lives run by the money. They would trade anything they have to gain money. First, they thought nobody will know what they have traded to acquire money, but pretty soon, they do not care who else knows whatever they have done. I have learned from a Comedian Chris Rock during his stand up comedy show that being wealthy and being rich are two different things. One is said to be wealthy when one knows how to manage well of his/her possession and knows how to leave his/her legacy of status and values to younger generations. Rich meant just having a lot of money. It doesn't necessarily mean that they can leave their possession over to his/her generation to follow. Most of the people whose lives have been lived by the money are just rich people if it has to go with the standard of Chris Rock. Most rich people doesn't have a good life ending. Money has just lived out of their lives while they are under illusion of being rich. I have sensed strongly that a lot of those money driven people are unconsciously ashamed of themselves and feeling small about themselves so that they kept following money and believing that growth of money can replace their feeling of having a lesser life.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A Song from the Heart

Storm Irrawaddy
Listen here:

(couldn't hear the first line)
The powerful storm has coming
Although there was an alerting storm report,
Military junta didn't warm or prepared any kind of protection.
The result of the devastating storm is
the lost of the lives of tens of thosands of Irrawaddy residents
Not only the junta does not help the victims
but they also block any kind of aid to the victims
They have no humanity.
So, we all, the people of Burma, has come together
and shouting out with our loudest voice
to get help from the friends all around the world
Please come to us, the helpless people
We do invite all our friends who are willingly to help.
Countless lives are loosing with time
and we dare to question "Who is killing those victims?"
Is the whole world has given up on helping us?
Military junta should open up for the helping hands.
We suggest, please do not ask for the visas from the junta anymore.
According to the 95 law, to protect the helpless who are dying,
Please come and help us all.
We do invite all our friends who will assist aid.
Yes, we do,--- we, the people of Burma come together and
shouting out with our loudest voice, ---
We all, the people of Burma, altogether.

Never Been a Fan of Ever Corrupted UN

It is a shame how Ban Ki-Moon left Burma with the tittle of Cheerleader of the fundraising for the Burmese Military Tyrants. I personally thought probably Ban Ki-Moon does not even know how to Google on the Internet. He had to fly all the way from New York to Burma and flew over the delta region and --- all he could emphasize was the new born "healthy" baby of the one of the victims of the cyclone Nargis in a tent with a future. I don't know what kind of future he is talking about and wonder where is his concern for the rest of the 2 million people without proper food and shelter. If he knows how to do his math, he would think of what is happening to the rest of the 2 million survivors in need. Even though almost every one in the world has found out about the unspeakable shameful blockage of international aids into the country by the Military junta, I wonder why Ban Ki-Moon travel around only the places that junta show him?? Does he genuinely believe that he has seen the reality of the victims? Or does he believe that everyone around the world would support his word and decision based on tiny part of the disaster scene shown by the junta? He must be undermining and insulting the intelligence of the average people around the world. I even wanted to sing the song which goes like "It's ashame, --- it's a shame, -- Oh! so lame, ---".

Monday, May 26, 2008

Time to Let her Free

Time to see her kindness and smile,
Let her shine---
Awaiting has been too long
people are dying,
country is crying,
please let her free;
Free is what we want to see.

Answer to Ban Ki-Moon

What happened: has left Burma with a fake promise just to make him looking good.
Who: UN secretary General.
Where: in Burma.
Why: because nobody in UN wants to deal with Burmese Tyrants this time. (Just not worth to take a risk although the pay off could be pretty high).
When: He will held meeting after meeting until all the survivors of Cyclone Nargis perish.
With Whom: This can easily be done with the strongest support of the Burmese Military.
How: by putting effort in doing lots of charades and lame excuses.
What: yes, they have no humanity.

the image is from

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A Song to Remember

Listen the song here:

We are the World
composed by Michael Jackson (1985)

There comes a time
When we head a certain call
When the world must come together as one
There are people dying
And it's time to lend a hand to life
The greatest gift of all
We can't go on Pretneding day by day
That someone, somewhere will soon make a change
We are all a part of God's great big family
And the truth, you know love is all we need

We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me

Send them your heart
So they'll know that someone cares
And their lives will be stronger and free
As God has shown us by turning stone to bread
So we all must lend a helping hand

We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me

When you're down and out
There seems no hope at all
But if you just believe
There's no way we can fall
Well, well, well, well, let us realize
That a change will only come
When we stand together as one

We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me

Monday, May 19, 2008

Action is Louder than Words

UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon is going to Burma to talk to the military junta to consider getting sufficient help from international aid for their own Burmese people, the victims of the cyclone Nargis. Conspiracy is that UN officials have been accepting bribes from the military junta and they have been just playing the game of "trying our best for the people". Nothing has ever happened because of their meetings. For example, Aung San Su Kyi is still in house arrest for no reason. This power abuse has been a long, long, time --- more than decade. Other than the awards after awards from different parts of the world, she is recognized as a mistreated leader of the country by the world, and --- all those ten to twenty years, what was UN doing? What did they really do to give help? It is not like U.S going into Iraq, bringing down the existing rulers and trying finding a democratic leader for that country. This is much simpler. There are people who have obviously voted for Aung San Su Kyi. There is a leader and there are people who want her to lead them. And every government in UN knows the story --- for almost 20 years, --- 20 painfully long years. What did they do? They kept quiet --- it is sickening --- the humanity of the world --- rather than helping the one being tortured, they are giving awards for the ability to take the torture. During Saffron Revolution, Mr. Gambari has been in and out of the country talking to the military junta while a lot of monks have been killed, put into jail and tortured inhumanely. UN action? Yes, they kept talking, of course, with lots of smile and shaking hands. What had happened? Nothing really happened other than there still are a lot of monks and studenst full of prison, so military junta has been taking time killing them slowly while UN kept talking. Now, it is time to talk again??? It is surprising just too much to talk about like "Oh, by the way, how many people are dying a minute?" " About 100 to 200?" " Well then, let's just keep talking, oops, am I running out of time?" "Okay, I'll be back again to continue this meeting in a week." In no time, United Nations will be gradually known as "Unable Nations", the nations that fail to help the helpless ones, the ones in need, in need of just basic human right and a decent life.

the image is from

Saturday, May 17, 2008

One Voice for the Need

International blogger day to request UN to use force to give help to millions of cyclone victims who are left to die due to the failure of the irresponsible tyrannic military rulers of the country, Burma. Please help the one in need --- if there is a country full of people who have been wishing and wanting the help from UN, or U.S or anybody else, Burma and Burmese people will stand on the number one list. They have been crying too long, they have been waiting too long, they have been enduring too long --- for a helping hand which would bring humanity back into once prosperous golden land, once generous promising land, once religious Buddha's land.

the image is from

Thursday, May 15, 2008


The nights are long and sleepless nights are even longer. While sitting on a nice comfy chair, I do thought about the lives in the wet land without shelter, and it is painful and unbearable at times. While eating a chocolate and knowing even the donated biscuits are on sale in the markets for people without penny is a rather harsh imagery too. There is help and there are people who need help. But,----- something is missing between the two to meet. It is a big gap, the gap that I do not know anymore, who suppose to overcome this gap. Do the helpers have to overcome the gap to reach the need? Or the people have to overcome to reach the stretch of the helping hand? I wish they could meet at somewhere in the midway ---- I hope that both parties stretched out to reach and meet each other at the middle of the gap. The middle, the midway, the way that Buddha taught us to follow. So, let's meet in the midway to fulfill the need, --- to live without fear and tragedy. Let's live our lives for you and me.

the image is from

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Sadness and Sorrow

One of the most painful events of Burma. Reading news, watching videos and seeing the pictures ----and I couldn't even bring myself to compose something for some time. I do not even have the desire to critique on the actions of the tyrannic rulers of the country. Anyone who has a humanity can see clearly of the untreatable corruptions which are morally rooted in this bureaucracy. It is another genocide. Millions of people need help. Please help each other, and help us all.

the image is from

Monday, May 05, 2008

Rainbow of the Day

Listen song here:
by Jay Chou
Translated by Ting

Where will I find a rainbow to tell me
whether I can have my wish back?
Why is the sky so quiet?
Because all the clouds are with me now.
Do you have a mask for me?
If I open up, my thoughts will overflow and they won’t come true.
Perhaps time is an antidote
or a poison that I am taking
看不見你的笑 我怎麼睡得著
How can I sleep without seeing your smile?
Your image is so near yet so far, out of my embrace
The sun still rotates without the earth
I can still go on without reason
你要離開 我知道很簡單
I know it is easy for you to leave
你說依賴 是我們的阻礙
You said over-reliance is our obstable
就算放開 那能不能別沒收我的愛
Even if I must let go, can I at least keep the love to myself?
Just treat it as my late realization

The Dawn

The dawn
after a storm,
we have waited for so long
passing through the pitch black days and nights
in the wildest strongest wind;
Struggling against this fear,
fear that we might not make it,
to the other side
where we can reach
self respect and dignity
which you have shown in your life course of history.

The Perfect Storm

Nature is indifferent to human who struggle with them or who goes along with them. People have to respect themselves. They can only prepare to deal with the consequences of the natural phenomenon. People have to know what they want, how they want to live, and how they want to write their own history. Human beings have a lot of fear --- fear to loose almost everything, for example, education, career position/status, wealth, love ones, physical and mental pain due to torture, and ultimately death. When one needs/wants something, one has to get up and help himself/herself. Hoping to see someone would miraculously take away the problems or hoping the troubles would go away for no reason is just simply irresponsible. Irresponsible parents have taught their children how to look away from responsibility. If one wants a responsible parent who would take care of their own children, the children have to learn to get the parents' attention and responsiveness. No schooling is needed for this innate nature. Babies cry for milk when they are hungry to get the nursing mother's attention. Toddlers simply ask their parents of what they need/want. If your parents are tyrannic and irresponsible, and if you cannot find a way to compromise with them, try to grow, gather knowledge, leave your parents' roof, find your own destiny elsewhere, where love is a plenty.

the image is from

Cinco De Mayo

It is recognized in the United States as a date to celebrate the culture and experiences of Mexican American ancestry just like the St. Patrick's Day, Oktoberfest, and Chinese New Year which are celebrated for Irish, German, and Chinese ancestry, respectively. Celebration events combine beverages, food, music, and dancing. United States is the place where all the Americans observe, experience, and enjoy the cultural celebration of diversity of ethnicity.

Friday, May 02, 2008


I like it here. My life --- with a simple freedom,
human right, and privacy.
Rich or Poor, intelligence is here without fear and tyrany.
Education is boundless --- it is always there for you
as long as you want to learn.
Learning is to make one understand how to live their lives.
Education is not a formula to get rich or earn a prestige.
Education is to be able to see things limitlessly, ---
to infinity and beyond.