No news is a good news. Economy is down, recession is in, --- gas prices are sky rocketing. The whole world is getting poor,--- more people are lacking even the basic food, shelter, and clothing. Some people are still worrying to make a couple more million, and more, and more. When is this greed going to end? Is food supply is finite??? Is demand of the population sustainable by the world is infinite? "Life is not fair, live with it." That is the first blow that knocked me out when I started my life on my own independently. I don't want to believe it. Is it true?? Life is not fair and we just have to live with it? Again, what is the definition of being fair? Someone told me once that "Life is simple, people are complicated." when I mentioned that I want to and try to keep my life simple as much as possible. Shall I stay away from people to keep my life simple??? No chance. Just wondering round and round, and I felt trapped. Trapped in this body which can invite five wonderful senses, luring us into this prison, forgetting the time, that fly and fly rapidly.
the image is from http://static.flickr.com/63/180723671_0bedff549d_o.jpg
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