Our true leader
The one that we love
The one that we love
The one that we want us to lead
The one that we trust
The one who gave her life for us.
Please let her free
Free to lead
Lead to our prosperity
Prosperity to satisfy the nation
The nation that can be proud of
The nation of freedom
The nation of happiness
The nation of a good ground for generations to come
to welcome with our open arms.
the image is from http://wicampaignforburma.com/images/FreeASSK.jpg
In The Quiet Land
(By Daw Aung San Suu Kyi)
In the Quiet Land, no one can tell
if there's someone who's listening
for secrets they can sell.
The informers are paid in the blood of the land
and no one dares speak what the tyrants won't stand.
In the quiet land of Burma,
no one laughs and no one thinks out loud.
In the quiet land of Burma,
you can hear it in the silence of the crowd
In the Quiet Land, no one can say
when the soldiers are coming
to carry them away.
The Chinese want a road; the French want the oil;
the Thais take the timber; and SLORC takes the spoils...
In the Quiet Land....
In the Quiet Land, no one can hear
what is silenced by murder
and covered up with fear.
But, despite what is forced, freedom's a sound
that liars can't fake and no shouting can drown.
Free bird towards a free Burma
(By Daw Aung San Suu Kyi)
My home...
where I was born and raised
used to be warm and lovely
now filled with darkness and horror.
My family...
whom I had grown with
used to be cheerful and lively
now living with fear and terror.
My friends...
whom I shared my life with
used to be pure and merry
now living with wounded heart.
A free bird...
which is just freed
used to be caged
now flying with an olive branch
for the place it loves.
A free bird towards a Free Burma.
Why do I have to fight???
(By Daw Aung San Suu Kyi)
They killed my father a year ago,
And they burnt my hut after that
I asked the city men "why me?" they ignored
"I don't know, mind your business," the men said.
One day from elementary school I came home,
Saw my sister was lifeless, lying in blood.
I looked around to ask what happened, if somebody'd known,
Found no one but living room as a flood.
Running away by myself on the village road,
Not knowing where to go but heading for my teacher
Realizing she's the only one who could help to clear my throat,
But this time she gave up, telling me strange things in fear.
Why, teacher, why.. why.. why?
I have no dad nor a sister left.
To teach me and to care for me you said, was that a lie?
This time with tearful eyes she, again, said...
"Be a grown one, young man,
Can't you see we all are dying?
And stop this with your might as soon as you can,
For we all are suffering."
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