Friday, December 21, 2007

Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice/Yule is the longest night of the year. It is a Pagan holiday, when the return of the sun is celebrated, as the days are about to get longer. At this time, there is a battle between the Holly King & Oak King, in which the Oak, repesenting lighter times, will win. Also in the Celtic/Druidic calendar, this would be the Nameless Day. This is the day in between the old year and the new year in the Druidic tree calendar, repesented by mistletoe.Many common Christmas symbols actually came from Winter Solstice when the Christians were trying to convert the Pagans in the Middle Ages. (Evergreen tree, mistletoe, yule logs, etc.)
_Erika (yahoo answers)
the image is from yahoo news

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