--- is how I lived my life --- how I am living my life --- and how I want to grow old living my life --- grasping little moments coming by. If success is going to be measured by what you've wanted --- how you've tried --- and what you are having --- , the degree of success of life is boundless. In that sense, --- I am satisfy and content with my life.
Looking through the long glass window on the side of the crowded room --- I was carried into the thoughts and wonders. The sun is out today after much cloudy windy, and gloomy cold winter days in past week. Everything seems so alive in the brightness of the sun. The grasses look greener, the leaves left over from the Fall season looks brighter with orange, red, yellow, and brown hues. I can see one small tree with upright brown branches --- as if it is a tree of life.
If it is considered to be a tree of life, --- it is sad in the picture of my imagination because most of the branches are bare. Some colorful leaves are trying their hard clinging onto the small brown branches. The wind is still indifferently blowing in any direction causing the leaves fluttering in the wind --- reflecting the sunlight --- and the leaves even look so happy and luminous.
Are they trying to hold onto the branches?? Or are they being careless --- enjoying the time being??? --- The way the leaves turn and flutter in the wind in so many directions ---- reminds me of parallelism of how different individual life events can be --- no matter which one family you grow up from --- no matter how one school we were in studied together --- no matter which career we get into ---each and everyone of our lives could be so different in so many ways ---
Life is amazing and it is very worthwhile to be living --- no matter how tough it is --- no matter how boring it is ---. Life itself has so many wonderful treats --- surprises --- and the best part is that we never know what or how it is going to be next. --- Actually, we live in the imaginations --- trials and errors --- correcting and progressing life.
As much as we are striving for the sets of goals --- as much as achieving those goals are more satisfying --- the times that we stood by and take some time to look around, look back, and looking forward to the future are fun and loving too. What can be more wonderful than just living the life --- grasping the little moments --- putting them together like pieces of puzzles to draw the most wonderful picture of an individual Life.
January 12th, 2011: 2:00pm
image is from http://www.stencilwithstyle.com/pages/LG%20690%20Tree%20of%20life_gif.htm
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