Listening to the mp3s while the kids are watching DVD in the back seat of the car while GPS is intermittently announcing the direction to the destination, the cell phone rang --- some one has text messaged you a link to check newly hot viral video.
It made me laugh to see all the comments and opinions on the web, on the news sites, social sites --- facebooking, myspacing, twitting, googling, blogging, IMing, chat rooms, Utubing, Streaming ---instead of saving time and simplify lives, people are obsess with announcing their own life as self broadcasting stations --- with messages like "I am going to the restroom", "I am so bored now", "I hate all of you", or "I love you guys".
I must be the most self center of all, thinking --- please save my time, I don't want to know if you are going to a restroom or not because there are so many things going on in facebook and I need to keep up with that too. After all this craziness, I couldn't decide to cut the cord or pull the power cord. That is how I have become a loner, the Loneliest of all.
(p.s Please do not comment me about the 1 800 hot line sites because I need to save my time from unnecessary advertisements --- thank you.)
image is from http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://i119.photobucket.com
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