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Natural Destruction
In nature, everything that has grown bigger than what it can consume on has to die of eventually by natural means. Beyond the carrying capacity, the limit approaches to zero. Whoever, smart enough to be aware of their growth would keep the little critter alive to consume on. Why do we need a huge mound of middle class in a prosperous nation? Worker bees are to built the hive, find the food, and to protect the queen bee's prosperity. Without the worker bees, the queen will be left with just the drones who would not have much intelligence of creating a well organized properly functioning prosperous hive. A queen bee who does not over look the growth of the young worker bees will eventually die off --- much like a committing a self-defeat, by entrapping herself in the failing hive --- without any honey left. Some queen bees just do not have a natural instinct and are doom to fail the hive as well as themselves. But most of the time, greed has led us to get that last drop of honey, forgetting those black and white mice who has been biting away the strings of the only rope that we are holding onto which has left us to dangle at the side of the cliff. Are we scare off falling off the cliff? How many of us think of climbing up the cliff and reaching to the safe ground? the image is from 267 x 400 - 13k - jpg -
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