Quote from the animation: Bug's Life (Disney) 1998 Hopper = Leader of the Grasshopper gang who's been bullying food from the poor ants) Hopper: Guys order another round because we are staying here! The Gang: Yayyyyy (grass hoppers cheering) Hopper: What was I thinking?? Going back to Ant Island. I mean, we just got here, and we have more than enough food to get us through the winter. Right?? Why go back?? --------- But there was that ant that stood up to me. One of the Gang members: Yeah, but we can forget about him! Another Gang member: Yeah, it was just one ant.
Hopper: Ooo-oooh! One ant! Yeah, you're right! It's just one ant! Gang member: Yeah, boss. They're puny! Hopper: Hmm, puny. Say, let's pretend this grain is a puny little ant. (Hopper hit one of the gang members with a seed) Didn't that hurt?
Gang member: Nope. (Again, he hit him with another seed) Hopper: Well, how 'bout this one? Gang member: Are you kidding? Ha-ha-ha-ha (laughing the whole gang)
Hopper: Well, how 'bout this? (Hopper opens up the big bottle of collected seeds which run over some members of the gang)
Gang members: Ahhhhh--- (screaming from those grass hoppers being squash by the mountain of seeds).
Hopper:You let one ant stands up to us, then they all might stand up. Those puny little ants outnumber us a hundred to one. And if they ever figure that out, there goes our way of life! It's not about food. It's about keeping those ants in line. That's why we're going back! Does anybody else wanna stay?
Rrrrrrrr--- (the whole grass hopper gang buzzing their wings ready to fly)
One of the Gang members: He's quite a motivational speaker, isn't he?
Hopper: Let's ride! (Grasshopper gang flies towards Ants Island)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Flik = The ant with innovative ideas
Hopper: Whose idea was this? Was this yours, Princess? Princess Atta: Just get behind me, girls. It'll be okay. (talking to the little group of student ants named blueberry group, who has participated in the event of trying to coup Hopper and it's gang)
Flik: Leave her alone, Hopper. The bird was my idea. (Ants built the fake bird to scare away Hopper and it's gang). I'm the one you want.
(Hopper snap his fingers and signals.) (The bully Thumper, the trained ruthless grasshopper, who does all the dirty jobs for Hopper, arrived and starting to punch and beating on Flik. Squash, squash,--- (heavy blows) (Flik grunting))
Ant Crowd: Ohhh --- (sympathetic ant crowd watch and grunting) (finger snapping from Hopper) (Thumper stops beating)
Hopper: Where do you get the gall to do this to me? Flik: (panting) You were --- You were gonna squish the queen.
Ant Crowd: Arrr (all gasping) Dot: (Baby Ant Princess, the leader of the Blueberry student group) It's true. Hopper: I hate it when someone gives away the ending. (Thumper roared and put in more punching on Flik) (Flik moaning) Hopper: (talking to flik)You piece of dirt! No, I'm wrong. You are lower than dirt. You're an ant! (Hopper, ---turning back to the ant crowd) Let this be a lesson to all you ants. Ideas are very dangerous things. You're mindless, soil-shoving losers, put on this earth to serve us! Flik: You're wrong Hopper. (while talking to the ant crowd, Hopper turning back and looking at badly beaten Flik)
Flik: (inhaling deeply) Ants are not meant to serve grasshoppers! I have seen these ants do great things. Years after years they somehow manage to pick food for themselves and you. So-so who is the weaker species? Ants don't serve grasshoppers. It's you who need us. Ant Crowd: (Gasping and Chattering faintly.)
Flik: (continued) We're a lot stronger than you say we are. And you know it, don't you??? (Hopper grunts and put a heavy blow on Flik and ready to squish with feet) (Princess Atta comes in and shielded Flik lying on ground) (Hopper stops his attempt to squish Flik)
Hopper (Chuckle) Well, Princess Atta?
One of Hopper gang members: Umm, Hopper? I hate to interrupt, but, umm--- (Hopper looks around and see all the ants in the crowd really mad, standing up and ready to fight.)
Hopper: YOU ANTS STAY BACK! (All the ants join their hands and stand straight with grins and coming forward)
Hopper Gang members: (while stepping back) Oh! This is such a bad idea. Princess Atta: You see, Hopper, --- Nature has a certain order. The ants pick the food, the ants keep the food, and the grasshoppers leave!
Ant crowd: Yayyy!!!! (yelling and running forward to attck Hopper) (The grasshopper gangs runs away outnumbering by the ant crowd.)
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