I hope for finding the courage. Courage to live, courage to fight, courage to smile, and courage to do what is right. Courage to stray away from the self pittyness and the life long fear that has driven to live for the image that would please the people around. Be truthful to yourself and that alone will bring self satisfaction for one's life. Hoping --- one day --- we will find the courage, before it is too late. Listen Here:
"Let Me Fall (From Cirque Du Soleil)"
Let me fall ---Let me climb
There's a moment when fear
And dreams must collide
Someone I am Is waiting for courage
The one I want---The one I will become will catch me
So let me fall ---if I must fall
I won't heed your warnings ---I won't hear them
Let me fall ---If I fall
Though the phoenix may ---Or may not rise
I will dance so freely ---Holding on to no one
You can hold me only ---If you too will fall
Away from all these ---Useless fears and chains
Someone I am is waiting for my courage
The one I want ---The one I will become will catch me
So let me fall ---if I must fall
I won't heed your warnings ---I won't hear
Let me fall ---If I fall
There's no reason ---to miss this one chance
This perfect moment ---Just let me fall