Rise and Shine.
Do not fall under the shadow of the peer pressure.
We just need to be who we are, unique and significant in different ways.
Just be sure that what you have is what you really wanted, deep from your heart.
I love to see the spirit fly. Fly with the happiness of what one committed to.
I hate to see those who are busy buttering up their image in the shadow of social demand.
Don't be afraid to be original. Don't be afraid to be different. Don't be afraid to break the little traditional rules sometimes here and there.
Life is short, and it is all your own responsibility to make it or break it.
Stop blaming others. Use the guidelines of your heart and your brain.
Compromise wisely and decide confiendtly, ---
and embrase your own responsibility for your own decisions.
Take charge and be proud of your good choices as weel as not too good falters of your picks.
Fail or succeed, doesn't matter, at least you have taken a chance --- so, you haven't miss anything.
Best Wishes.
the image is from www.secure.ci.santa-barbara.ca.us/SBPicts/ima
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