Summer is here. Well, ---- almost over.
However, it is still sweet and flavourful just like a pot of honey.
Butterflies are playing around the lilies.
Bees are drowning around the wild grass flowers.
Birds are singing on the green branches of the trees.
It's almost time to hit the stores for Back to School sales.
New semester, new year, new friends, new days ---
so much to look forward to --- for those kids
going back to school.
Maturation process is instant.
Before one gets time to figure out,
there they are, there we are,
all grown up, independent, and full of dreams ---
Different dreams of life.
Nomatter what, along the maturation process,
the main ingredient is 'the responsiveness'.
After all, we are all responsible for our actions , our commitments,
our decisions, our own life, and
how we spent or wasted those flavourful honey potted sunny days.
picture is from www.honeypotcrail.co.uk/images/Isle_of_may.jpg