News after news ---
from left and right ---
news of the loves
that have fallen out of beautiful weaving.
How could this be?
It sadden my heart,
remembering the brightness of love in the eyes.
Those were such bright days ---
like a rainbow in the sky.
Dear my friend,
you might think that I have forgotten all those memories
which are a tiny background of the spec of my life.
It is yours. It is not mine ---
but still because of those love around me,
my life had been brighter.
Like I cherish those memories,
how I wish all of us may remember the warm flutter of the heart beat ---
Joy of just holding each others' hand ---
Everything has to come to an end eventually
But didn't we promised till death do us apart??
Why am I so sad as if I have fallen out of love?
This song is for my special friends who have fallen out of love.
Like Being Hit By A Bullet
by Baek Ji Young
Listen here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KPLvqyI70M&feature=related
English Translation
I don't remember but one thing for sure
He said he was sorry
(start song)
Like being hit by a bullet,
everything is chaotic because only laughter comes out;
I just laughed, ---I just laughed ---
just---smiling apathetically
Let me just ask one thing
Why did we break up?
How could we break up?
How could we break up?
Through the hole in my heart
All our memories are flowing out
Even if I try to hold onto them
Even if I try to block my heart
They slip through my fingers.
Even if my heart stops,
I didn't think it will hurt like this;
Please do something
Cure me
At this rate, my heart will be all broken;
My torn heart.
All of a sudden, the tears flow without me knowing it
I really don't want to be like this;
really don't want to; really ---
following you who stood up
Chasing you blindly
Behind you, behind you who walked away
Like you were trying to run away;
I shouted ---
Through the hole in my heart
All our memories are flowing out;
Even if I try to hold onto them
Even if I try to block my heart
They slip through my fingers
Even if my heart stops
I don't think it will hurt like this
Please do something
Cure me
At this rate my heart will be all broken
Like being hit by a bullet
My heart hurt so much, oh ---
It hurts so much
It hurts so much
That being able to live is weird
How could I forget you, me ---
I don't know how to do such things, don't know ---
There is a gaping hole in my heart
that cannot be filled
It just hurt so much that I could die
Like being hit by a bullet, ohhhh---
When it turns 7, I wake up no matter what
I brush my teeth and shower
Nothing changed
That's what a break up is ---
image is from image is from http://blackenn.deviantart.com/art/Keep-your-heart-broken-94948765